Commitment drives you to aim out of the ballpark and adds significance to all that you do.
- Plan Ahead: Know your job and expectations and come up with a personal plan on how to meet and exceed your company requirements and your personal career oriented goals. (Remember, your career is the part of your life you spend working regardless of title, training or certification/degree.)
Wear Sunscreen: Or in your industry this can mean a power suit or whatever gear needed to keep you safe; always practice safety.
Workout: Make sure you get the training necessary to do your job and coach yourself how to play. Learn and routinely practice the following:
to throw -Have an idea? Get in the habit of sharing what you think with everyone on your team. Your idea may not necessarily make it to first base but it may be the arm behind the grand slam.
to catch- listen and hear what your team has to say and what your company needs are.
to play outfield- Most believe that outfielders are the most important players on a team because they catch pop-ups, hold runners at bases and stop anything from getting past them…be quality control, look for errors before they happen and hold your team accountable.
to hit- Or in other words meet your goals. Ask yourself what you can do to reach your mark and get it done. In baseball, you’ll need a bat and a ball…At XYZ company, in your department, you’ll need (fill in the blank).
base running- in the production line (weather office or manufacturing), can you perform quality work with what’s been handed to you?
Can the next person perform quality work off of what you’ve delivered?
pitch- realize that it’s okay to “pitch the ball” to the batter so that they may make the hit.
- Mentally prepare yourself- Know what success looks like and feels like.
- Play Game- Arrive to work prepared and ready to:
- Play Fair
Be part of the team
Pull your weight
Give your team all you’ve got
Pull your weight
Give your team all you’ve got