We set out at the beginning of the year with motivation to succeed as supervisors, to improve our departments and to reach for goals that would result in productivity and activated employees. Do you remember what some of your specific goals were? Three months into the year, what have you done to maintain vision and make decisions based on your goals? According to Stephen Covey the best way to meet your goals and to actively remember what they are is to “begin each day, task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction and destination, and then continue by flexing your proactive muscles to make things happen”. You are now a quarter of the way to your goal deadline, how are you doing? Where are you? It’s time to evaluate your progress...
¨ Did you write your goals down yet?
¨ Are you copycatting those who've reached your goals?
¨ Is your team on board?
¨ Have you practiced making decisions based on your goals?
¨ Have you become proactive vs. reactive?
¨ Are you specific enough to know what the end looks like?
Take Action: Look back at the last 3 months and evaluate what you’ve done to get you closer to the goals you set at the end of the year and focus on what more can be done to reach your goals within the next 9 months.
Keep On:
- being Proactive rather than reactive
- communicate the vision, state direction, involve and challenge the team to go for it!
- acting out and aligning your values with your company values and those of your employees. Walk the talk.
- delivering the VIP Treatment
- being the Expert Extraordinaire
- giving and continue to establish a good reputation
- copycatting the SuccessfulSUPERvisors of your past
- telling yourself that you’re a Super SUPERvisor!
- believing. Remember, you’ve made the conscious decision to lead
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