Monday, May 10, 2010

The Secret to Successful SUPERvising: Delegating

Successful SUPERvisors set themselves apart with one very distinguishing attribute: the ability to delegate.  At some point in their career, they were able to let go of the excuses associated with not delegating and embrace the course of action required to effectively delegate tasks to employees.  The issue is never telling people what to do; instead it’s the unwillingness to share authority and responsibility, the resistance of putting complete trust in team members and the lack of motivation to commit to support the team member with the task.    A SUPERvisor puts a lot on the line when they delegate, but even more when they don’t.    Below is a 5 step course of action practiced by many SUPERvisors who delegate effectively:
  1.   Decide to delegate
      Establish which tasks you will farm out
      Know how you will approach & assign the tasks to employees (in private, during dept. meeting, etcetera…)
      Remember to (on less crucial projects) allow employees to choose tasks they’d like to work on.
  2. Select the right delegate
    Consider experience, skills, strengths and weaknesses; your goal is to set them up for success, not failure. 
    Get your team excited about the selection
    Make the delegate feel special  and make sure everyone can see what’s in it for them

  3. Arrange a “business” meeting: 
    A meeting will make it official, create accountability and establish commitment
    Explain why they have been chosen to complete the task/ project
    Describe the task, the timeline and the outcome you are looking for (tie it in to the team’s ultimate goal)
    Answer any questions the employee may have
    Set expectations
    Give clear instructions on responsibility and authority
    Ask how they plan on getting the job done (provide guidance if they are off track)
    Set up a progress report time schedule and establish how you will communicate (in-person, email…)
    Inform them that you are available for questions and that you want to know about obstacles along the way

  4. Build Trust
    Allow your delegate to head the task/project his/her way
    When questions or obstacles arise, guide your employee to a decision rather than making the decision yourself
    Be available for support even when you don’t have immediate time available by setting time for a later meeting
    Set routine times for progress report/check up meetings so that you know that your employee is working on the task at hand and so that your employee sees that you trust and believe they can get the job done

  5. Accept, Respond and Recognize
    Review all work carefully
    Provide an evaluation and critique of work submitted, this includes complimenting the work and sending it back if it lacks something or if something needs to be modified. 
    When the work is acceptable, accept the work and recognize it amongst the team. 
As leaders, these Successful SUPERvisors know that the end results depend on them.  The course of action and time they take to guide and supervise their delegates set the task/project up for success or failure.  These leaders take full responsibility for the outcome and don’t forget that in the end, they are the ones ultimately responsible for production.  

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