Have you ever noticed that the most successful people never stop learning? In fact, successful people never stop; they keep going, topping success after success. I like the way Lifestyle Explorer, Tomo Mayocchi, put it in her Lifestyle Lift Journey Blog, “Instead of sitting back on the couch and enjoying their success, they choose to learn more.”
The attribute of choosing to learn more can definitely come in handy in today’s career and job market. More and more I am hearing from employers that their biggest ache is the lack of qualified candidates. When I read Dr. Ira S. Wolf’s statement in Lack of Employee Mobility Puts Kink In Skilled Worker Pipeline that “Not only is finding candidates with the experience and/or skills to do the job comparable to finding the proverbial needle in the haystack in many industries, but a lack of employee mobility has slapped handcuffs on the few available skilled workers.” Two thigs came to mind:
- What can we do as SUPERvisors to grow our skills and become even more qualified for the position we hold?
- What can we do as SUPERvisors to make employees a more valuable and mobile asset to the company?
The answer: Choose to learn. Choose to teach.
The result: Success.
Technology has changed the face of the classroom as we know it! If you’re thinking night school when I say “choose to learn”, read on for a few out of the classroom alternatives:
- Webinars – “short for Web-based Seminar, a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web” – Wikipedia
What is great about a webinar is that you can learn without leaving the office and since most webinars are recorded, if you can’t join in live, you can log on later. Look for free industry specific webinars and remember to look for two types: those that will grow your skills and those that will grow your team. For example, I like Power Lunch with Power Training for me and some of the Optimum Productivity Free Webinars for the whole team.
What is great about a webinar is that you can learn without leaving the office and since most webinars are recorded, if you can’t join in live, you can log on later. Look for free industry specific webinars and remember to look for two types: those that will grow your skills and those that will grow your team. For example, I like Power Lunch with Power Training for me and some of the Optimum Productivity Free Webinars for the whole team.
- Blogs – The word is a combination of web and log and as eblogger puts it, blogs are “memos to the world”.
The idea behind following or subscribing to industry specific blogs is that they will allow you to see what others are up to and how they are taking care of business. For example, if you happen to be in the banking industry, you might follow: Coaches Corner a blog by Redwood Credit Union that not only highlights their “financial coaches” but also introduces their clients and the specifics of their accomplished savings as a result of the “financial coaching” they offer. The idea is brilliant as I don’t know any other bank that recognizes it’s customers in such a personable way. Blogs are a great way to develop ideas through what others are doing and use as real life examples to motivate and get employees thinking by showing them what others are doing.
- Podcasts – "A podcast is an episodic program delivered via the Internet"–apple.com. Typically, subscribers download the podcast and listen from their ipod.
I like podcasts because they are convenient. I can tune in and learn at any time and any place it is appropriate for me to use my ipod. There are thousands of free podcasts out there that you can subscribe to, all you have to do is find at least one that is related to your industry or job title to begin learning.
- Conventions (conferences or seminars) - A formal meeting of specific members and industry that is always jammed packed with the latest news, the best practices and a ton of motivation.
Use these to re-energize, stay progressive and make connections. You will leave feeling motivated to do your best. Apply what you learned to your department and keep in touch with those you met to share the progress you've made and ask to hear what they took and applied to their department.
- Online Education - Degree and certificate programs that allow you the flexibility to determine when and where you learn.
Add to your credibility and expertise by acquiring a degree or a certificate in an area that will compliment your position. According to successdegrees.com “employers take a more positive view of online degrees nowadays than they once did. Many companies, in fact, pay for their employees to get undergraduate, masters degrees or certificates through online study, because they want to save money and allow the student to keep working while he or she goes to school”.
There are so many avenues to learn from, just be sure to choose those that really work for you and your employees. Staying up to date on what others are doing through blogs, learning new techniques through webinars and attending at least one conference or convention a year works for me. I choose blogs and webinars that won’t cost a cent and conferences or conventions with special trainings that do cost but are tax deductible. Many of you will find that you won’t have to worry about cost because most companies have a policy in place that cover expenses; all you have to do is ask.
Take advantage of the learning opportunities your company has to offer, you’ll become a more mobile employee and an even more Successful SUPERvisor!
Take advantage of the learning opportunities your company has to offer, you’ll become a more mobile employee and an even more Successful SUPERvisor!
This is excellent advice! Thank you! Your blog is so helpful!