Friday, February 05, 2010

Becoming the Successful Supervisor

Congratulations on your SUPERvisory position! I commend you for taking the time to research the position and for taking the initiative to be successful in it. Whether you’re a new supervisor or have some experience under your belt, this blog is designed to develop your leadership skills and hone in on what you already know.

Each week I’ll post the SUPERvisor Tip of the Week in relation to the theme of the month. All you have to do is:

1. Read (join the blog)
2. Practice (apply the tip throughout the entire week)
3. Share (pass on what makes you the Successful SUPERvisor)

Stay Tuned…


  1. As I read the title of this blog I could not help but think of the book I am reading. "The prince" by Niccolo Machiavelli. Machiavelli shares his ideas of how a prince should act in order to keep rule of his land. Through out the text he stresses the fact that a Prince should avoid being hated by either his troops or by his people. This idea can be used in any supervising position as well. There is a difference between being hated and and not being liked.You might not be liked but you may be respected vs being hated and not being respected. As I read more of this text I will come back and share any relevant ideas.

  2. Wow, please share more! For those of you who have not read the book, the text is available for free on google books.

  3. I love it Cyn, I look forward to reading your blog, you are a very smart girl with alot of wisdom to share. Keep up the good work! I look forward to the next entry.
