Monday, February 08, 2010


The first step to becoming the Successful SUPERvisor is making the conscious decision to be! Take this Monday, recognize your position of influence and power amongst your team and take lead:
1. TODAY - Take 5 minutes to determine 3 qualities that 3 of your favorite past supervisors possessed
2. This Week - Mimic each quality at least once a day, everyday of the week
3. From Now On – Every time you see your reflection smile and say to yourself “I am a Super SUPERvisor” and believe it.

Remember, your company already believes that you are a supervisor, which is why you hold the position that you’re in. They’ve given you the green light to go! What are you waiting for?

SUPERvisor: a super advisor. A fantastic, terrific, excellent coach, mentor and/or work guide; a leader – YOU


  1. "Leaders think. They think because they are leaders. They are leaders because they think."-Paul Parker

  2. just think of everything your team can accomplish by your thinking!
