According to a recent Gallup poll, 65% of people say they don’t feel appreciated at work; in result you're left with "pervasive negativity, low morale and (worst of all) decreased productivity".
As the leader of a vital workforce, what do you do to appreciate your staff? Creating an appreciative culture will nourish your staff, making them feel important and appreciated; that means happy employees who contribute more and are easier to work with. A survey conducted by Here Today Here Tomorrow asked “What causes you the greatest dissatisfaction at work” and the answer with the most responses was “lack of appreciation”. This said, it’s time we move away from the “everyone is replaceable” approach and really begin to show our personnel just how very important they really are by giving them the VIP (very important personnel) treatment! After all, it is our job to create
opportunities to get to know them and to constantly reward, recognize and appreciate the work they do for us.
Here’s how you can begin to show them your appreciation:
· Follow the Golden Rule - Acknowledge employees when you enter/leave a room, use words such as please, thank you and good job on a daily basis and consult rather than demand.
· Praise & Recognize - Remember to praise them on a personal level and recognize their jobs well done amongst their co-workers.
· One-on-One Time - Set one-on-one time with your employees that does not allow for distractions; ask them where they feel their strengths and weaknesses lie, give feedback and offer opportunities for growth.
· Keep your word - Do what you say you are going to do and if you can't keep your commitment, let your team know why it's not going to happen and what they should expect instead.
Take Action: This week implement the VIP treatment
Keep On: Continue to be the Expert Extraordinaire, keep on giving and continue to establish a good reputation. Remember, you've made the conscious decision to lead, continue to copycat the Successful SUPERvisors of your past and tell yourself that you’re a Super SUPERvisor! Believe it.
Your staff will accomplish & achieve more with you than they would have without you!